Do you want to save money on expenses for your business? If so, then the tips in this blog post are perfect for you. You’ll find 12 different ways that can help you save thousands of dollars over time. These proven strategies will not only help your bottom line but also provide a better experience for customers.
Here are 12 tips that any business owner can use to make some serious savings.
- Switch your insurance provider
- Get better rates on credit cards with non-usage bonuses, low-interest rates, and multiple rewards programs
- Check out the new marketing trends in social media advertising for 2019 or try influencer marketing where you partner with top bloggers and content creators who will promote your company’s products/services to their followers without cost to you!
- Change from paper invoices (those things that get lost anyways) into digital invoice solutions like Invoice Panda which automatically sends an email when someone is late paying their bill so it won’t fall into collections
- Upgrade to a more efficient office software that will save time and money (ex. switching from Microsoft Office 2003 to Google Docs)
- Check out new technology like the cloud accounting solution Xero or get help with setting up your account if you’re not tech-savvy by hiring an accountant!
- See how many business owners are saving on their insurance premiums through Geico’s Business Insurance Program *click* here* for more information. (*Geico is basically giving away free car insurance in many cases*)
- Hire a professional bookkeeper to take care of your payroll, inventory and taxes
- Switch from a paperless office system to one where you can easily access all your documents in the cloud like Google Drive.