Despite technology many successful people still keep a physical diary. The reasons for doing this are endless. You might keep a diary to jot down thoughts, write out those big goals and dreams or vent a frustration. With 2018 coming to an end, I’m guessing your ‘ole diary is looking a little shabby by now. Read on to discover why
Purchasing a new diary always gives me a crisp new view on life. With that comes a feeling of clarity, happiness and inspiration. A new year is exciting, brand spanking new and a blank page to fill in with amazing memories.
While there are plenty of apps for phones and tablets, a physical diary is still a great asset. Here’s why you should still consider a physical diary. Read this post before going all out and digital with your important dreams.
1. Get it out – and away
Writing things down is cathartic. This is the big reason people journal in the first place. But if your diary is digital, it’s hard to put space between you and the words you’re writing down. The file may linger on a desktop or in an open tab for a while. You might feel tempted to go back and edit what you’ve put down instead of moving past what you need to.
This isn’t the case with a physical diary. Instead, you can tap into your subconscious mind, which is a driver of many of your life actions and choices. You can write out any emotions you’d like to deal with and pop the journal in a drawer and out of sight.
2. Connectivity issues
If your work diary is digital (or online), you’ll leave yourself open to computer issues and errors. For example, if your battery dies or you have Wi-fi issues, you won’t be able to access your journal.
The usual file risks apply, too. If you lose files by mistake, they’ll be gone forever. And, while you can also lose a handwritten diary, you’ll take greater care in looking after it. This is contrary to the frustration of losing access to your journal through no fault of your own.
3. Engage with your day
If you write in a diary, you can think in depth about the events of your work and life. You can deal with them. The action of hand to paper helps to seal the ideas in your subconscious mind. Seeing the words you wrote a page also embeds the idea in your mind. The physical action of doing this is more effective than looking at dead letters on a screen in an obscure file.
4. Personal touch
There’s not much ownership in a lengthy word document or a collection of these in files on a computer. But with a diary, you can decide on the aesthetic that fits you best, whether that’s moleskin or leather. Or perhaps you are a solid black or pink-striped type?
There are lots of designs and looks to personlise yours, making it a real part of who you are. If you attend a lot of meetings, a diary is a great form of self-expression.
5. Acknowledging your mistakes
One of the uses of a work diary is writing down all the positives and negatives of your workday. But ,with a digital diary, it’s easy to feel disconnected. Emotions and conclusions are harder to write down on a computer. With a physical diary or journal, once you write something down, you own it – it’s out there in the world, and it’s real.
6. A physical reminder of your progress
If you want to make change habits it can be hard to see progress toward achieving those changes. Writing your progress in a diary, though, can be a big help. For example, if you’re trying to move around more at work, it’s helpful to keep track of how much time you spend sitting. It’s difficult to stand for long periods if you’ve never done this before. Or if you want to make more time to do the things you love, you can track that progress. Audit yourself to improve productivity.
Goals can be discouraging if you can’t see results. But if you mark down your progress each day, you can go back later to see how far you’ve come. The physicality of a handwritten diary gives this process greater substance.
It’s a good idea to keep track of your thoughts, set goals and release tension after a long work day. Any kind of diary will help with that.
A digital diary, while still helpful, lacks many benefits a handwritten diary does. It’s hand to be able to hold a diary in your hands, scribble down thoughts and pop it in a bag.
The stronger connection offered by a handwritten diary is powerful. Seal your path to becoming a better worker, person and human.