The most effective way to save money is by cutting your expenses. This means that you need to be very precise with what you buy, how much, and from which places.
These are 20 of the best hacks out there for saving on everything in 2021:
- Buy a coupon book or download an app like Groupon before going to the store.
- Pay attention to unit prices on products when you're shopping at bulk stores, buy in bulk and then repackage it into smaller portions with a vacuum sealer for future use.
- Sign up for loyalty programs in stores that you frequent.
- Buy a gift card to use for groceries, clothes, or gas.
- Download apps like Ebates and Izea before shopping online at other retailers.
- Use the grocery list on your phone when you go into the store to make sure you don't forget anything and buy only what's on your list.
- Avoid going grocery shopping on an empty stomach or when you're very hungry in order to avoid impulse buys and overspending.
- Pack snacks for long days at work so that it's easier not to buy unhealthy food from the vending machine during a break.
- When ordering takeout, ask them if they allow you to order in bulk.
- Ask the waiter for a takeout container before you start eating so that it's easier not to get full and overspend while still sitting at the restaurant.
- Bring your lunch from home every day instead of buying food on campus or getting fast food–you'll typically save money AND eat healthier.
- Make sure you're not spending money on bottled water by filling up your own reusable beverage containers.
- Use a rewards credit card to pay for all of your purchases and avoid paying interest, unless the points are worth more than any purchase APR they will charge.
- Consider using one credit card for travel expenses like flights or hotels.