‘Tis the season to get wrapping and as a mother I’m starting to ramp things up for getting Christmas organised and fast. My goal is to be relaxing in the sun, on a deck chair with a Chardi and a magazine by Dec 14. I’ll let you know how that pans out!
I love Christmas because like most women I love to look at pretty things and laugh at funny stuff. It’s also a highly creative time of year, which just gives a woman like me the warm and fuzzies. Plus – all the pretty happy stuff gets my mind off all the stuff I have to do!
To start with:
Here’s a funny video to really get you in the Christmas spirit
This one is fresh off the press and I can tell you I was pretty exhausted after dancing this jig. Santa is a hard guy to keep up with…
And drum roll….
Here are my nine jolly good gift-wrapping ideas for Christmas
1. Japanese Gift Wrapping Technique
I lived in Japan for four years in my youth and picked up some fabulous skills and ideas from this country. One such idea is the way the Japanese wrap gifts. They are particularly crafty. Here’s a vid on this great way to wrap gifts – usually using only one piece of sticky tape!
2. Fabric Wrapping
The Japanese also do beautiful fabric wrapping called Furoshiki. Take a look at this beautiful idea below. So arty!

3. Purchase gift boxes if your budget allows
There are plenty of online stores, which sell beautiful boxes, bags, gift-wrap and packaging supplies for Christmas. You could check out places like PackQueen if you don’t have the time to source wrapping and packaging for Christmas or if you’d like to give that extra special present to a loved one or colleague. Such stores also assist with boxes if you happen to be moving house.
4. Hot tip! Use double-sided tape for perfect gift-wrapping & decorations
Use double-sided tape to not only wrap gifts but also to adorn them with pretty stickers etc. Like this:

5. Recycle materials to save on wrapping – like cereal boxes
I love this before and after of just how amazing those cereal boxes can look with a little love! Give it a try this Christmas or for someone’s birthday.

6. Use pieces from nature
You can bring nature indoors for many purposes including wrapping and decorations. Consider twigs, branches and flowers to add cost-effective class for your next creative gift-wrapping or decoration making session.

7. Get creative with magazines and newspaper wrapping
Newspaper can look really cute when done well. Here’s a simple yet effective way to create an artistic looking gift with the latest or old news!

8. Organise your gift-wrapping cupboard
Be sure to organise your gift wrap cupboard as you will need it throughout the year, not just at Christmas. This way you will always be able to find the scissors and the sticky tape! Keep the cupboard key away from those prying little hands around the house too! Or there will be trouble!

9. Create interesting gift tags – get creative
You can make gift tags from just about anything. Cereal and food boxes are a great start. Also consider any other waste that might be going into the recycle bin!

Have any great gift-wrapping techniques or ideas? Share them in comments below and happy wrapping!