Feeling overwhelmed? There’s a lot going on out there. The media are going crazy about local and world events and many of them are pretty depressing. I’ve met a lot of people who avoid media altogether because of the misery being reported, but as someone who likes to know what’s going on – I do keep up-to-date with everything that’s happening out there.
Then there’s the daily grind. Us modern consumers have a lot to do. I admit that there are many days, I stay in bed before getting up, bracing myself for the day. I still get this feeling despite the fact that I consider myself an organised person with more time on my hands than other mums I know and many of my readers who are full-time working parents.
In light of the above, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and this is natural. Our to-do lists are massive and the physical energy busy consumers (and especially parents of young children) experience can leave a person feeling like it is all ‘too much’.
Here are 10 ways to feel less overwhelmed and feel a greater sense of calm daily
1. Attack one job at a time
My to-do lists are huge – especially with running a site like the Savings Room and producing products. I use a CRM for recording everything but I still use a little card daily for the little things. I write the main stuff I have to do each day on the front of an index card. Then I put only one item at a time on the back of the card. I flip the card over when that one thing is done and cross it off. Attacking one job at a time greatly reduces stress daily as you won’t be looking at a huge and confronting list. This is also a nice way to watch the little accomplishments happen as the day progresses.
2. Aim low
OK. My favourite ‘back of my mind’ expression is: ‘Aim for the stars and the moon won’t seem so far.’ This has been a bit of a life mantra to me. But as I’m getting on in life, I’m starting to aim lower on a day-to-day basis and not trying to do too much. If you aim lower – you will take the pressure off a bit and enjoy your day more. You will also not get too disappointed if things don’t go as plan. In fact, if you really want to feel less overwhelmed enjoy a day of ‘no expectation’ and you will feel more relaxed immediately!
3. Halve your pace
It is true. Haste makes waste. If you go slower you will get small jobs done better and won’t have to go back over things. You’ll also notice you will get things done within the same timeframe. If you were feeling overwhelmed, this is a quick way to calm down instantly.
4. Stay organised
Stay organised and use systems to stay on track. Learn how right here in the Savings Room. The Savings Room is in fact one big room full of ways to be a more organised person. So stay in the room and you will soon unveil the secrets to a calm life. I believe being organised is the core concept in saving time, money, sanity while becoming much less overwhelmed.
5. Run a tidy ship
Become organised and avoid feeling overwhelmed by using effective systems and you will run a tidy ship. By that I mean your home will be cleaner and as result you will experience greater clarity daily.
Here are five more quick tips for feeling less overwhelmed
- Breathe deeply
- Learn how to live life using bulk actions. Cook in bulk. Run errands in bulk. Group like items together.
- Enjoy a digital free day. Digital and online life can and does give people information overload. Take a break. Put your phone on your bedside table and go for a nice walk out in the sunshine without it.
- Clean as you go. Stay an extra two minutes in each room before leaving and keep on top of your housework.
- Learn to delegate and get good at it. People are more helpful than you think and they will actually take pleasure in seeing you less stressed out. They will see the value in helping over time.
Feeling overwhelmed each evening in the kitchen? Consider taking a look at Freezer Meals. You won’t have to cook each night of the month, nor wash pots or pans. Also visit my store for a large ran of products for helping you to become more organised.