Save money on groceries with menu planning printables in the Savings Room. Use this menu planner and shop in your pantry first before shopping at the supermarket. This printable has a Sunday to Saturday planner for up to seven weeks. It also includes a panel on the right for writing down leftovers and to write items down, which you need from the shops. When you get leftovers I suggest writing them down straight away in the leftovers column. You will use this list to create meals in the planner. If you are strategic enough IF you will save at least $200 by not going grocery shopping. Only shop once you have exhausted all possible meal ideas using ingredients at home. Laminate the list and mark it with a whiteboard marker to save on printing costs.
Also be sure to check out my book and affiliated grocery apps | 52 weeks of menus, grocery lists and recipes | Table TuckerÂ