If you want to save on groceries there are plenty of ways you can approach this goal. One approach is to make good lifestyle choices, which involves changing the habits you have presently and replacing them with better ones.
Here are my top tips for saving on groceries by changing your lifestyle choices:
Life is simple | Supermarkets make it complicated!
Watch your portion sizes
Save money and your waistline at the same time. Cut portions in half to save money on groceries.
Reduce meat
- Become a vegetarian and save big money on meat.
- Become a Flexitarian. Enjoy several vegetarian meals each week to save money on meat.
Be happy to eat cheaper alternatives such as tuna pasta instead of a meat sauce based pasta.
Cooking for one
If you are cooking for one investigate eating frozen meals or cook in bulk.
Eat a bigger breakfast and lunch so you will eat less for dinner. Freeze half your meal.
Weigh up the cost of eating takeaway once a week. For example try Indian takeout. It might be cheaper than cooking.
Find good resources
Regularly read budget dinner blogs, subscribe to websites or watch YouTube for dinner ideas. Investigate books like Table Tucker.
Consume less
Get into the habit of generally consuming less. Visit Worldometers for a shocking bite of reality.