
Electric cars save people money on petrol and gas. Find out how much you will spend on petrol and gas each year. Calculate how much it would cost to run the car for that long. Lastly, compare the amount of money you would need in terms of petrol or gas at the end of a year with what it would cost for the car over that time period. Secondly, consider when your next car payment is due and what your current monthly expenses are (rent, food). Many people depend on cars, but they can be expensive to maintain. You can save money on petrol and gas if you take care of your car. Keep your car's fluids full and its air filter clean. Make sure your car is well-maintained to avoid unnecessary repairs. A car owner's most important skill is mechanics. They can diagnose and fix problems with your vehicle. Mechanics can diagnose what's wrong with your vehicle for a fair price if you don't know how.



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