Working from home looks like it’s here to stay with more Aussie companies opting in for flexible working environments. Although the pandemic didn’t coin this term, it was definitely a factor that forced us to look and reassess our current work situations. In 2015, only 13% of the Australian workforce had flexible work arrangements and the pandemic forced this number to 32%.
Some people rejoice working from home, whilst it has been a hit or miss for others (especially with kids invading zoom meetings!). If you’re a work from home parent, you’ll understand the constant balancing act to get work done whilst also being a top-notch Mum or Dad. Here are some tips to work from home as best you can with little ones running around the house.
1. Adjust your Schedule
If your company allows it, adjust your work times so it works best around your kids. If your kids are early risers, ask to clock in a bit later. With flexible work hours becoming more popular, this shows companies trust their employees to get the job done. Adjusting your work schedule could allow you to work while your kids are still asleep and be the most productive.
2. Create a “Work Hat”
It’s important that your kids understand when you shouldn’t be disturbed. It’s believed that most kids are visual learners, so adding a ribbon to your door or putting on a certain hat to show when they can’t disturb you is a great way to distinguish between work and play mode.
3. Keep Them Entertained
It sounds like the most obvious answer but it’s good to get a balance of indoor and outdoor activities. You wouldn’t want your kids glued to the TV or computers 8 hours a day.
Prepare activities for when you need to focus or enter a meeting. If you want to keep them indoors, set up an arts and craft station, pop on a movie or have them do some puzzles. This should keep them entertained for a little while.
And to get some physical activities in, why not invest in a safe trampoline or get them to ride their kids bike in the backyard. If you were feeling a bit creative, you could even set up a mini treasure hunt! I personally have one of these Vuly Trampolines and they’re awesome because our kids can also use this trampoline in the rain and as a tent.
4. Take advantage of early mornings
It might be worth getting up a few hours earlier than usual to get some work done. Take advantage of early mornings while your kids are fast asleep and get some of your more important work done.
5. Prioritise
Prioritise! Make a list of all the work you need to get done that day and prioritise them from most important to least important. Make time for yourself to get the most important things ticked off your list by utilising some of the tips I mentioned before.
You’ll have mastered working from home in no time!