I’m saving money on home decorating and the task is easy with a little imagination and creativity. Anything is possible!
After venturing to my local Savers store today I was unable to find what I was looking for. Since we just purchased an old home, which is ripe for renovation, we don’t want to spend money on anything in the home until after the renovation in terms of home furnishings. So what I was after was a quick way of tying back the old curtains in the home so they look a little better. I could only find those really old fashioned curtain ties at Savers and returned home on a mission!
Saving money on home decorating is fun!
My mission:
To create curtain ties for the living room and bedroom curtains in the home at zero cost.
Master bedroom | Wooden curtain ties
Materials and time:
- An old slatted wood placemat
- Some thin elastic I found in my toolbox
- Scissors
- Time: 10 mins to make 6 ties (3 pairs)
- Saving: At around $12 a pair = $36
Simply tie elastic around each piece of wood leaving the flat end of the elastic on the shiny side of the wood. Once complete twist the ties around the curtain to create a stylish chopstick style curtain tie effect. (Bedroom makeover to follow! Watch this space…)

Girls bedroom | Luxury curtain ties
Materials and time:
- A stretchy white wrap (I bought mine on sale for $5 and never used it for baby.)
- Scissors
- Time: 5 mins to make two ties (one pair)
- Saving: At around $12 a pair = $12
Use scissors to cut the wrap down the middle and hang! This t-shirt type material is fabulous for a project like this because it doesn’t fray and the edges look perfect!

Living room | Funky curtain ties
Materials and time:
- Old curtain rings you may have lying around or no longer need
- Elastic
- Scissors
- Time: 10 mins to make six ties (3 pairs)
- Saving: At around $12 a pair = $36
Save money on home decorating with this simple trick. Simply tie two rings together as shown and twist around each curtain. Adjust length of the elastic to the thickness of the curtain you are tying the elastic around. Try and use rings that are the same color as the curtain.

Boys bedroom | Fit for a gentleman
Materials and time:
- Good quality brown striped material (had in my material box)
- Food fasteners
- Scissors
- Time: 5 mins to make two ties (one pair).
- Saving: At around $12 a pair = $12
Cut the fabric wide and then clip with a food fastener. Note: You cannot tell from a distance that the clip on this curtain is a food fastener! My son – who is a true gentleman at eight years old did like the makeover. We will be replacing the curtains though as we both hate them! Back to the op shops for more bargain hunting! I love saving money on home decorating!

Well that’s my day! Curtain ties for everyone! These did make a difference to the tired old house we just moved into.
Am I saving money on home decorating?
Absolutely! Total savings at $36 + $12 + $36 + $12 = drum roll….$96!
Not bad for a lazy half hour on a rainy day eh?
Oh and Coco had a ball making her own creations too! Another win-win-win for the Savings Room – awesome!
Subscribe to my blog for more room makeovers and renovation stories
Be sure to come back and follow our makeovers and renovations as they happen. Subscribe to my blog and have my saving money on home decorating ideas arrive in your inbox all year! I’ll be discovering every possible wholesale store and online resource for finding home decor bargains. Watch this space.
Want to see what else I got up to today? Check out: Lose weight and save money | My body renovation | Day 2