There are thousands of uses for vinegar! White Vinegar and Apple Cider Vinegar, like Baking Soda, are amazing money-saving products. Vinegar can be used for cooking, personal care, medicinal and cleaning purposes. When I’m doing housework or beauty treatments my big bulk bottles of White (Distilled) Vinegar and Apple Cider Vinegar are never far from reach. I keep them in my little cleaning trolley for quick action!
If you want to get really crazy about Vinegar there are plenty of variations out there. Other types include balsamic, beer, can, coconut, date, East Asian black, flavoured (i.e fig or thyme flavoured), fruit, honey, Job’s tears (a Japanese aged vinegar), kiwifruit, Kombucha, malt, palm, raisin, rice, spirit, sherry and wine vinegar.
As for White Vinegar, it is made from the fermentation of distilled alcohol. Where Apple Cider Vinegar is made from cider. It’s very acidic and can burn if taken directly rather than diluted for the purposes such as cooking and cleaning. You can buy different versions of Apple Cider Vinegar, such as Honey Apple Cider Vinegar. These flavoured types make digestion more pleasant. Some people drink Apple Cider Vinegar with orange juice also.
You can use vinegar in cooking for all kinds of purposes. Basically the product is good for pickling and also bringing out the flavor in food include meat and veggies. Vinegar is used for salad dressings, making sauces, mayo, chutneys and marinades. My special move in a Spag Bol is vinegar! It makes the mince taste more quenching.
Personal care and medicinal purposes
Vinegar also has uses, like Baking Soda, for beauty and medicinial purposes. You can use it to whiten teeth, cure bad breath, improve dry skin or for helping a cough. You can even add vinegar to water for a cheap face toner!
Cleaning and laundry
Because white vinegar is an acidic little liquid you can use it for cleaning purposes. Go crazy with vinegar! It’s eco-friendly and you can get a lot done! For example you can clean a kettle, aquarium, baby bottles, dog houses, doorknobs, grout, dentures, dishes and even your reading glasses!
I suggest grabbing your reading glasses and a cuppa. Read this extensive list on 250 Amazing Ways to Save with Vinegar and you will be shocked at its uses! Also be sure to check out my video related to 150 Ways to Free Yourself from Housework. I touch on vinegar in this vid. Have a cheaper and happier life with your bottle of vinegar and save more money daily!
Put this list in your bathroom, laundry or shed. It is useful if you need a quick and cheap beauty, cleaning or home and garden fix.
250 amazing ways to save
Add to a salad
Add a little vinegar to a salad as a low calorie dressing and for flavour.
Add to gravy and soup
Add one teaspoon of vinegar to soup, gravy or sauce for flavour.
Add to jelly
For firmer jelly add a teaspoon of vinegar to the mix.
All-purpose cleaner
Vinegar, salt and water make a great all-purpose cleaner. Go nuts.
Ant hills
Pour vinegar down the anthill to keep ants at bay.
Asthma help
Have a warm apple cider vinegar, water and honey drink.
Better cake icing
Add a drop of vinegar to icing to stop the icing going clumpy.
Better desserts
Add vinegar to desserts. This will make them taste more delicious.
Better digestion
Add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in water twice daily.
Better hot chips
Add vinegar to hot chips (fries) for a delicious snack!
Better pasta
Add vinegar to pasta water to reduce starch and stickiness.
Better pastry
Add one tablespoon of vinegar to pastry for an exceptional crust.
Better poached eggs
Add a teaspoon of vinegar to egg water to stop eggs separating.
Better potato salad
Combine whole egg mayo with vinegar, sugar and salt.
Better white sauce
Add half a teaspoon of vinegar to white sauce for extra zest.
Boling fruit
Add one teaspoon of vinegar when boiling or baking fruit for flavour.
Brick cleaner
Clean your fireplace bricks using undiluted vinegar.
Bright colours
Add half a cup of vinegar to your rinse cycle for brighter colours.
Brighten carpets
Add vinegar to water and brush lightly. Wipe down with water.
Brittle nails
Have a warm apple cider vinegar, water and honey drink.
Can opener wheel
Clean a can opener wheel using a toothbrush dipped in vinegar.
Carpet odour
Use vinegar and water to get the smell out of carpets.
Carpet spot cleaner
Add diluted vinegar and a little detergent to a urine stain.
Carpet stains
Combine with detergent vinegar and water to spot clean carpets.
Carpet stains
Use water and vinegar to remove carpet stains.
Carpet steam cleaner
Add vinegar to your portable steam cleaner with the water.
Catch moths
Place vinegar and molasses in a tin can. Hang outside to catch moths.
Add vinegar to cooking water to make cauliflower whiter.
Cement Ponds
Add vinegar to cement pond water and leave for three days.
Chest cold
If you have a chest cold add half a cup of vinegar to your vaporiser.
Chewing gum
Soak chewing gum stuck to a surface with vinegar.
Get out there and shine up your chrome belongings.
Clay pots
Clean clay pots in the garden with warm soapy water and vinegar.
Clean a brush
Soak a hairbrush or other types of brushes in diluted vinegar to clean.
Clean a kettle
Boil water with vinegar in your kettle to remove minerals.
Clean a lunch box
Soak bread in vinegar and place in a lunch box overnight.
Clean a shower head
Learn how to clean a showerhead using vinegar.
Clean a teapot
Clean the inside and outside of a teapot with vinegar.
Clean an aquarium
Clean and remove grime from aquariums and fish bowls.
Clean baby bottles
Add vinegar and water to baby’s bottle. Soak for one hour. Shake with rice.
Clean bathtubs
Clean bathtubs in combination with baking soda.
Clean bird baths
Use water and vinegar to clean birdbaths.
Clean blinds
Dip gloved fingers in vinegar and water. Wipe along blinds.
Clean brass
Mix up one teaspoon of salt and one cup of vinegar to clean brass.
Clean concrete
Clean concrete with straight vinegar and then rinse. Allow to dry.
Clean copper
Mix together one teaspoon of salt and one cup of vinegar.
Clean dog houses
Use a sponge with vinegar to clean away grease and dirt in a doghouse.
Clean doorknobs
Spray and wipe straight vinegar onto doorknobs to kill germs.
Clean fixtures
Clean fixtures in the bathroom with straight or part diluted vinegar.
Clean grout
Clean grout with a toothbrush and straight vinegar.
Clean lino
Add vinegar to warm water and mop a lino floor clean.
Clean outdoor tables
Sanitise by wiping down with vinegar on a cloth.
Clean patio furniture
Clean outdoor furniture with warm soapy water and vinegar.
Clean pipes
Generally add vinegar to pipes to reduce the build up.
Clean plastic pots
Clean with warm soapy water and vinegar.
Clean pots
Add three tablespoons of water to a pot and boil.
Clean radiators
Add vinegar to the water in your radiator to reduce mineral deposits.
Clean reading glasses
Clean with straight vinegar and you can see again!
Clean shoes
Wipe down with white distilled vinegar and water.
Clean shower tracks
Put straight vinegar into shower tracks.
Clean suede
Add vinegar on a toothbrush to clean suede. Dilute if preferred.
Clean toys
Add one tablespoon of vinegar to one litre of water. Clean.
Clean vinyl books
Wipe down vinyl baby books with vinegar and water.
Clean wood panelling
Combine olive oil and vinegar to remove stains on wood.
Clean your wipers
Wipe down window wipers with straight vinegar.
Cleaner bread box
Keep a breadbox clean by wiping down with vinegar.
Cleaner dentures
Soak false teeth overnight to make dentures sparkle by day!
Cleaner dishes
Add vinegar to soapy water. Your dishes will sparkle.
Cleaner dishwasher
Place a cup of vinegar in the bottom rack of your dishwasher.
Cleaner furniture
Add vinegar to plain water and wipe down wooden furniture.
Cleaner wood
Ammonia, vinegar and baking soda will effectively remove stains.
Cleaning containers
Pour vinegar and add rice to the container. Shake vigorously. Rinse.
Clear chemicals
Add half a cup of white distilled vinegar to water. Clean chemicals away.
Clothes iron
Add vinegar mixed with water to the chamber of an iron. Heat. Rinse.
Coffee and tea stains
Add salt and vinegar to the coffee and teacups. Clean as normal.
Coffee makers
Run vinegar through the coffee maker’s brewing cycle. Now rinse.
Soak in straight vinegar overnight to make them shiny.
Combo drain cleaner
Put baking soda mixed with vinegar down a drain to help unblock it.
Control blood pressure
Drink in moderation with water to control blood pressure. Consult a doctor.
Control diabetes
Research how vinegar can help diabetes. Consult a doctor.
Cooking smells
Boil a little pot of vinegar on the stove while cooking.
Correct salt
Add vinegar and sugar to correct a too-salty meal.
Combine apple cider vinegar, warm water, some cayenne pepper and honey.
Wipe down with vinegar and warm water.
Cracked skin
Rub cracked skin with vinegar.
Creamy scourer
Use baking soda, detergent and vinegar on a scourer for a better clean.
Creamy Vinaigrette
Combine cream, white distilled vinegar and oil.
Cure for bad breath
Gargle with water and white vinegar to help cure bad breath.
Cure for corns
Soak vinegar in bread for one hour. Tape to a corn overnight. Peel off.
Cutting boards
Apply full strength vinegar to your cutting board.
Cutting soap
If you need to cut some soap you can soak it in vinegar first.
Dead rodent smell
Clean out the area with water and vinegar.
Deter ants
Spray vinegar on ant trails to keep them away.
Deter cats
Spray around areas you do not want a cat to go.
Deter slugs
Put vinegar in a slug’s path to deter them.
Drain cleaner
Put one cup of vinegar down a drain. Rinse after 30 minutes.
Dry skin
Add two tablespoons of vinegar to your bath.
Eat less
A sprinkle of vinegar on your meal will lessen your appetite.
Enhance beetroot
Add vinegar to boiling beetroot for enhanced colour and taste.
Exhaust fans
Use vinegar on a sponge to clean away grease and dirt.
Face toner
Use vinegar and water as a face toner.
Fine china
Add one cup of vinegar to soapy water to clean china.
Fix a tank
Add vinegar through your tank systems to help reduce minerals.
Fix DVDs
Wipe down old and worn DVDs with vinegar to revive them.
Fix fabric holes
Place a damp cloth with vinegar on it under fabric and iron.
Flavour ham
Add to boiling ham for flavour and reduce salty taste.
Floor cleaner
Combine dishwashing liquid, alcohol, water and vinegar.
Fluff up rice
For fluffier rice add one teaspoon of vinegar to the water.
Fluffy meringues
Beat three egg whites with one teaspoon of vinegar.
Foil on grill
Put vinegar on some aluminium foil and clean.
Food poisoning
Have a warm apple cider vinegar, water and honey drink.
Foot odour
Soak feet in straight Apply Cider Vinegar and wear cotton socks.
For a new oven
Wipe down ovens with water and vinegar.
Fountain pumps
Soak pumps in water and vinegar.
Freshen baby clothes
Add one cup of white distilled vinegar to baby clothes loads.
Freshen canned fish
Soak canned fish and shrimp in sherry and vinegar to freshen.
Freshen veggies
Soak wilted vegetables in vinegar to freshen and brighten up.
Frost on windows
Wipe car windows with water and vinegar the night before. Reduce frost.
Fruit and vegetables
Wash veggies in water and vinegar for freshness and colour.
Fruit stains on hands
Remove fruits stains from hands with a little vinegar.
Furniture joints
Use vinegar in a spray bottle to loosen joints.
Garbage disposal
Make vinegar ice cubes and feed the unit. Rinse with cold water.
Garden lime
Neutralise with water and vinegar.
Gargle, gargle, gargle
Have a warm apple cider vinegar, water and honey drink.
Get more eggs
Add vinegar to chook-shed water to get more eggs.
Get mud off aluminium
Mix vinegar and baking soda together. Wash and rinse.
Get rid of warts
Add vinegar to an equal part of glycerine. Apply.
Get stickers off
Add vinegar and warm water to remove a sticker.
Add one cup of vinegar to soapy water to clean glassware.
Glassware trick
Wrap straight vinegar-soaked paper towels around and in glass. Rinse.
Glazed pots
Clean with warm soapy water and vinegar.
Pour full strength vinegar on unwanted grass.
Grass and weeks
Pour full strength vinegar on grass and weeds in paving.
Hair rinse
Apply diluted apple cider vinegar after shampooing.
Ham mould protection
Rub vinegar on the sliced end of uncooked ham to stop mould.
Hand scrub
Rub baking soda and apple cider vinegar into hands.
Hard water areas
Add a cup of vinegar to a bucket of water for watering plants.
Hard water stains
Wipe down with water and vinegar. Rinse.
Hay fever helper
Have a warm apple cider vinegar, water and honey drink.
Try half a tablespoon of Balsamic Vinegar to help with heartburn.
Help acne
Wash your face with half apple cider vinegar and half water.
Help cuts
For cuts and scrapes, use white distilled vinegar as an antiseptic.
Help morning sickness
Drink some apple cider vinegar in water. Add honey.
Help sinus
Add some vinegar in your vaporiser and clear a stuffy head.
Help with stains
Attack stains with white distilled vinegar and water.
Help for yeast infections
Add one tablespoon of vinegar to a douche of warm water.
Help your eyesight
Drink a warm apple cider vinegar, water and honey drink.
Stand fresh herbs in vinegar to make them taste better.
Swallow one tablespoon of vinegar to help with hiccups.
Iron plate cleaner
Heat vinegar and salt on a hot pan to clean. Scrub when cool.
Iron scorch marks
Unplug iron. Warm up a solution white distilled vinegar and salt. Clean.
Jam and mustard stains
You can get many stains out by spot cleaning with vinegar.
Jar cleaner
Rinse jars with vinegar to remove the lingering smell and any grease.
Keep cats away
Spray vinegar using a spray bottle around a sand box.
Keep flies off a horse
Spray around horses to keep flies away.
Kill weeds
Spray vinegar on walks and driveways.
Label remover
Soak labels with vinegar for easy removal.
Lemon substitute
Substitute recipes that contain lemon with vinegar.
Less greasy chips
Add half a teaspoon of vinegar to hot oil. Be very careful!
Lessen suds
Run vinegar through your washing machine to lessen suds.
Linseed on leather
Add linseed oil and rub onto leather. Polish with a soft cloth.
Linseed wood cleaner
Mix vinegar with linseed oil to make an effective cleaner for wood.
Liven up a sauce
Add one teaspoon of red or white wine vinegar to enhance a sauce.
Liven up a soup
Improve the taste of a soup by adding some vinegar to it.
Long lasting hosiery
Rinse stockings in water and vinegar. They will last longer.
Longer burning wicks
Soak propane lantern wicks with vinegar and then dry.
Love your flowers
Add diluted vinegar with sugar to the water in your vase.
Lower cholesterol
Drink with water to lower cholesterol. Consult your doctor.
Make condiments last
Add vinegar to condiments like sauces and spreads.
Make nail polish last
Wipe nails with cotton balls dipped in white distilled vinegar.
Make red wine vinegar
Add dry red wine to vinegar to make red wine vinegar.
Make sour cream
Blend cottage cheese, milk and vinegar to make sour cream.
Microwave cleaner
Clean the microwave with vinegar. This will take the odour out as well.
Moisten chocolate cake
Add one teaspoon of vinegar to cake mix.
Mouldy laundry
Add white distilled vinegar in the machine. Wash in hot water.
Mud on fibreglass
Mix vinegar and baking soda together. Wash and rinse fibreglass.
Mud on plastic
Mix vinegar and baking soda together. Wash and rinse plastic.
Musty clothes
Sprinkle cotton clothes lightly with white distilled vinegar and press.
Nausea treatment
Dilute two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water.
Nice cabbage
Add vinegar to cooking water to remove odours.
Non fishy fish
When scaling a fish rub it with vinegar beforehand.
Oily skin cure
Rinse your face with half apple cider vinegar and half water. Rinse.
Paint adherent
Paint adheres better to galvanized metal wiped with vinegar.
Paint brushes
Soak in hot vinegar, wash with warm soapy water to soften up.
Paint odour
A bowl of vinegar will help remove paint smells from a room.
Patching plaster
Add one tablespoon of vinegar to plaster water when mixing.
Perfume a dog
Add to a dog’s water to stop odours.
Perspiration stains
Dilute one-quarter cup of vinegar in water. Rub on the stain directly.
Add one teaspoon of salt to one cup of vinegar.
Pickle capsicums
Add fresh capsicums to boiling vinegar in a jar and seal to pickle them.
Plant acid
Spray vinegar diluted on acid loving plants.
Prolong olives
Olives will keep much longer when covered with vinegar and chilled.
Protect from line
Rinse vinegar on your hands after working with garden lime.
Quench your thirst
If you are very thirsty drink apple cider vinegar mixed with cold water.
Reduce dandruff
Rub scalp with half water and half apple cider vinegar.
Reduce freckles
Vinegar will lighten freckles over time.
Reduce gas in beans
Add vinegar when cooking beans to reduce gas effects.
Reduce lint
Add one cup of vinegar to the washing cycle.
Reduce your appetite
Have a warm apple cider vinegar, water and honey drink.
Relieve a burn
Apply ice-cold vinegar immediately for fast relief.
Relieve a sore throat
Gargle vinegar and water to help a sore throat.
Remove mustard
Before washing a mustard stain, dab with white distilled vinegar.
Remove stains on a tap
Put vinegar on a cloth and sit on the back of a tap.
Remove vomit smell
Leave a bowl of vinegar on the floor overnight.
Removing lime
Use vinegar to remove lime from a garden pot before using it.
Renew a blanket
Add two cups of white distilled vinegar to the wash cycle.
Repel bugs off plants
Spray water and vinegar around plants.
Repel bugs off yourself
Add with water to a spray bottle and spray yourself.
Repel rabbits
Soak cotton balls in vinegar. Place in plastic containers with air holes near plants.
Rid a dog of fleas
Add to dog’s water to stop fleas.
Room deodoriser
Combine vinegar and essential oils in a spray bottle.
Sagging cane chairs
Sponge chairs with hot solution of half vinegar and half water. Dry.
Salt on your car
Wipe your car down with water and vinegar.
Save a plant from a cat
Spray around plants to stop cats eating them.
Scorch marks
Rub clothes with distilled vinegar using a damp cloth. Now wash as normal.
Scratchy dog ears
Wipe out dog-ears with white vinegar using a warm wet cloth.
Set colour
When dyeing fabric add one cup of vinegar to the final rinse.
Sharing a coke?
Rub vinegar on coke stains and spot clean. Wash normally.
Shine a dog
Add to dog’s water to make fur shiny.
Shine leather
Clean leather with hot white distilled vinegar.
Shine patent leather
Shine patent leather with vinegar on a soft cloth.
Shine shoes
Wipe shoes down with white distilled vinegar.
Shine utensils
Boil utensils in a pot of vinegar and water.
Shine your crusts
Before baking bread brush the dough with vinegar for a shiny crust.
Shower curtain grime
Wash shower curtains with vinegar to clean them.
Smokers room
Place a bowl of vinegar in a room if people are smoking.
Soak a fish
Soak fish in vinegar and water before cooking to make fish sweeter.
Soak dirty tools
Soak tools in soapy vinegar water overnight to get them clean again.
Soak laundry
Add one cup of white distilled vinegar clothes in boiled water. Soak.
Soak vintage lace
Soak lace in cold water and vinegar and then rinse a few times.
Soften skin
Add one cup of apple cider vinegar to bath water to soften skin.
Soothe a bee sting
Dab on a bee sting,. This will sting but will help to draw out the venom.
Soothe bug bites
Soothe your bug bites and wounds with vinegar and water.
Sore hands
Rub vinegar on sore or swollen areas of your hands.
Speed up weight loss
Drink vinegar with water for weight loss. Do in moderation. Check with your doctor.
Spicy deodorizer
Add spices to a bowl of vinegar in a warm room.
Sponge on grill
Use a sponge with vinegar to clean away grease and dirt.
Stop a dog barking
Spray around a dog’s bed or where the dog hangs out to stop barking.
Stop cats fighting
Sprinkle around areas where cats are fighting to stop them fighting.
Stop chickens fighting
Add vinegar to a chicken’s water bowl so they stop pecking each other.
Stop eggs cracking
Add two tablespoons of vinegar into egg water.
Stop scratching
Apply a paste made from vinegar and corn flour.
Stop spuds browning
Stop peeled potatoes going brown by adding vinegar to the water.
Storing cheese
Wrap cheese with a cloth soaked in vinegar and store in the fridge.
Stronger bones
Drink vinegar and water in moderation to strengthen bones.
Tender home chickens
Add vinegar to chook-shed water to get tender chicken.
Tenderize meat
Marinate tough meat in vinegar overnight to tenderize it.
Tired feet
Rub vinegar on tired, sore or swollen areas of your feet.
Treat lice
Rub apple cider vinegar into the scalp to treat lice.
Treatment for arthritis
Drink two spoonfuls of apple cider vinegar and honey in a glass twice a day.
Unstick scissors
If your scissors are getting stuck dip them in vinegar.
Vase water lines
Add vinegar and water to a vase to remove water lines.
Vinyl upholstery
Clean vinyl upholstery with warm water and vinegar.
Wallpaper removal
Spray water, vinegar and hot water on wallpaper to saturate.
Wash toys
Wash baby toys with soap, water and vinegar.
Wet mattress cleaner
Spraying with vinegar and water. Dust with baking soda and dry.
When cutting onions
Rub vinegar on your fingers before and after slicing onion.
Whiten your teeth
Brush your teeth with vinegar.
Window cleaner
Clean the inside of windows using full strength vinegar. Wipe clean.
Window treatment
Spray windows with vinegar and water using a water bottle.
Wine stains
Spot clean wine stains on a garment immediately after the spill.
Wool smell
Soak a wool garment in water and vinegar to remove smell.
Wrap a tap
Wrap a cloth soaked in vinegar around the tap for the night.
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