Whether you’re entering your first year of high-school or revising for university exams, studying is a fine art that not everyone can master. The tricks below will help you develop better study techniques, so you can study more efficiently and enjoy excellent grades.
Write a study schedule – and factor in breaks!
Before you sit down at your desk, you need a plan. This is often the most overlooked aspect of studying, and yet it’s vitally important to academic success. Firstly, determine the amount of content you need to cover, and in what timeframe. Then estimate how many hours it will take you to study and revise the content. This will allow you to arrange your study schedule however you prefer it. Just be sure to plan plenty of breaks to stay focused.
Keep your revision notes looking sharp
Everyone takes notes, but not everyone can actually read their notes. Having well-written, clearly formatted notes that are engaging and easy to read can be the difference between efficient, accurate revision, and failing at the last step. Visit a printing specialist like The Print Group to see their note-printing options. Before you know it, you’ll be absorbing perfectly formatted notes from a beautifully bound folder.
Designate a space for study
Too many people make the mistake of studying wherever they happen to find a space – on their bed, at the kitchen table, or even in front of the television. But here’s the thing: good study is about building good habits. It’s about routine, and if you’re seating yourself in random places each time you pick up a textbook, you won’t train your brain and body to prepare for study. Designate a study space, so that when you enter it you know what you are there to do and can focus more easily. When you leave your designated study space, you’ll find it easier to turn your brain off and take a break.
There are many other things to consider when making the most of your study session. Don’t be afraid to try different approaches until you find one that clicks. And remember: a little procrastination is OK every now and then. Just don’t fall down the YouTube procrastination rabbit hole.