Internet plans are amazing now. On the weekend I was discussing with my mother-in-law what fabulous eras she has lived through. Can you believe that my mother-in-law Bev (now 75) used to ride to school on a horse? Now she’s as tech-savvy as the rest of us and is telling my kids about the latest mobile apps! Wow!
The amazing world of digital
Things sure have changed! I still remember when:
- Milk arrived at our door in glass bottles
- There were one cent pieces
- There were no mobile phones or computers
- Writing by hand was normal
- Post-restante was the way to communicate when traveling the world!
Now there is a plethora of mobile, internet and TV deals out there, which hook us up to as many devices our little hearts and homes desire!
In terms of cost – it’s easy to overspend
Despite all the fun and frivolity we are all having in this era with digital, it is still easy to overspend. Just recently – my sister checked her phone bill and copped an extra $200 on it because her daughter decided to watch a movie on her iPod. Ouch…. Then there was the time I checked my bank balance and found my son had purchased ‘fake coins’, which actually turned out to be real (mine!) to the value of $180 Double ouch….
Start by asking yourself some questions
- What is my data usage?
- What is my budget?
- How much can I afford?
- Do I really need an unlimited plan when I may not be using it?
- Am I being a digital glutton?
Research all your options and know your stuff
It is well worth doing your research on the best plans and learning what your usage is so that you can make savings where you can.
I’m liking companies who make digital easy to digest and fun!
There are a lot of mobile phone deals and internet plans out there. But I’m liking the companies who are making all this digital stuff easy to digest and understand. I also like companies who try to make all the boring stuff related to internet plans more fun.
So for the purpose of communicating the latest in internet plans, I’ve decided to use iiNet to explain the various types of services that exist now and because I like the guy in the suit. He’s just too cool.
He’s a funny man with some great get-ups!
OK. So here is my big bumper post on the 7 ways to get connected digitally and fast.
Hold on tight! You are about to become fully informed on the best laid internet plans!
Internet plans | 7 ways to get connected and fast
1. Bundles
Check out the types of bundles available out there now! There is an incredible range. Here’s what iiNet are offering:
- Internet + Phone + Calls
- Internet + Phone + TV
- Internet + Phone + Modem
- Internet + Phone + Mobile
- Internet + Phone + TV + World calls
- Internet + Phone + Mobile + Handset
Wow. That’s a heap of bundle options! Remember the good old days when a phone was all we had to communicate with?
2. Types of Internet Connections Available
ADSL Broadband
ADSL is an internet service, which delivers a fast broadband. There is ADSL 1 & 2 and even turbo! ADSL 2+ is a faster broadband service so you can flip through the pages of a wonderful blog (like mine!) faster!
Naked DSL
Naked DSL is fast broadband but without needing a fixed phone line. The phone is actually delivered up via VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol). Many plans include free local and national calls. You need a broadband modem to hook this up.
NBN – National Broadband Network
The NBN is Australia’s first national wholesale-only, open access communications network that is being built to bring high speed broadband and telephone services within the reach of all Australian premises. Source: *NBNCo Site There are three types of technology available – fibre, fixed wireless and satellite, depending on location. Here is a great video that explains what the NBN is and how you would get connected to it:
The NBN – Getting Connected
The new superfast network will give 93% of Australian homes, schools and workplaces access to optical fibre that will enable broadband services to be provided to Australians in urban and regional towns. (Source: NBNCo Site)
3. Types of Phones
The good old fashioned home phone
There are still plans for the good old fashioned home phone, many of which are bundled up with other services.
VOIP phones (Voice Over Internet Protocol)
A VOIP phone let’s you make really cheap calls through your internet connection. You don’t need a landline! Yey!
The mobile phone
Of course, there is the mobile phone that is an absolute necessity these days. Most plans give you a call and data plan now. For example, your plan might give you up to 4G!! You can go nuts with this kind of data option. I have to note: I did go to a Christmas party where some lucky person got one of these:
These are fabulous if you are old fashioned and you want to feel like you are on an old phone!
4. What companies offer in terms of mobile
Mobile Handsets
Companies like iiNet partner with mobile phone providers like Samsung and offer a range of mobile handsets to their customers.
Mobile Plans
Companies also offer SIM-only mobile plans which let you keep your old mobile number. They give great deals on calls and data.
Mobile Broadband
This is a little USB modem you stick in the side of your laptop while on the run. It looks like this:
These are great if you are at your grumpy uncle’s house and he won’t give you the password to his wi-fi.
5. Internet TV
OK! So moving on to Internet TV. Now with all advent of YouTUBE and digital media I reckon internet TV is a must! These systems give you so much more choice and allow you to pick and choose shows and record them. The services are delivered through your internet connection usually with a set-top box. iiNet’s Fetch TV system comes with a video recorder, electronic program guide and space for over 1000 hours of content. It’s also quota-free – unlimited viewing! Yey! Packages include stuff like a set top box, free-to-air digital, movie rentals and catch-up TV. With iiNet Fetch you can also add an Entertainment Plus Pack which gives you extra channels, on-demand TV shows, 30 free movies and music channels for a total of $19.95 a month. This works out cheaper than Foxtel, which starts at around $40 a month – so this type of solution is well worth considering in terms of savings.
6. Home Connection System
These systems help to connect all the technology in your home together. For example, iiNET offer a system called Budii™ which combines your modem, home smart phone and you can also choose to add a 7” tablet to compliment your Budii™ system. Which gives you a modem, home smart phone and tablet to help run all your devices.
A system like this is a great one if you want to impress family, friends and guests with how tech-savvy you are! Plus – these systems make it really easy to hook everything up, which can be a nightmare otherwise. Home technology management is becoming an important feature in a home and since I’m renovating I will certainly be adding one of these to my ‘dream home list’ in the near future.
7. Modems
A phone company like iiNET would also offer smart modems like this one:
OK! I think I’m done! Phew – I’m so happy I know everything about internet plans now and so do you!
What an amazing world we live in. Truly. I feel like I’m living in the future.
Thanks for listening!
I really do like the guy in the suit – he really brightens my day.
If you want to know more click here to see internet plans in more detail.