Sometimes you just need a little motivation. Visit my cleaning motivation gallery to get pumped for your next cleaning session. Here’s a fast hack that works for me. I love a great before-and-after shot. Take a photo of the room before you clean it. Then, take a photo after. You will relish in the satisfaction of a job well done and look back on the work with pride. Afterall, a tidy house is a tidy mind (or something to that effect). You get my drift. Don’t forget the headphones and your favourite playlist, because cleaning (well, life) is not fun at all without a great soundtrack.
Come back here to view my growing gallery of cleaning inspiration.
My limitless cleaning hack
This is one of my favourite movie scenes for getting motivated to clean. (I admit, I do tend to look at life in movie scenes).
OMG – if only I had 10 of me. Now, this would be a game-changer. Ahhh…at our house we do love the satisfaction and clarity we get from completing a full house clean.
What can I say… it’s just so calming. I’ve always believed that if things are in order at home, you’ll have a better day out in the world. Hence, why I like this scene so much. Note: You don’t need to pop a magic pill (like Bradley Cooper pretended to do in this movie) to clean your house. But, music (Airpods), a water bottle and fully stocked trolley (hotel-style) do help to ramp up the fun and enjoyment factor. Cleaning doesn’t have to be the boring, awful, mind-numbing job you might think it is.
For now, enjoy your Brad moment (ladies), as scruffy as he appears here…
SCROLL down to view my cleaning motivation wall including fast hacks and tips.
Little baskets are handy for so many things! Use them. Blue is a nice fresh colour for a laundry room. Fold laundry in front of the TV to make the task more interesting. Don’t vacuum what you can sweep. Think about your impact on the planet. Replace dirty old sponges. Wash often and go for eco-friendly solutions. Laundry: Use the outdoors as much as possible to keep an eco-friendly home environment. Don’t forget the coffee and music! Learn how to fold a flannel perfectly – it’s satisfying to see them all stacked up neatly Hack: Attack one small area at a time to stop the overwhelm. Laundry tip: Ask others to do their own laundry Hack: Clean a bath and shower, while you are in the bath or shower! Discover ways to refill bottles and make your own cleaning products. Note to self: Clean – it’s good exercise. Labels: Remove labels to create a calm feeling at home. Nothing beats the smell and feel of freshly laundered and folded washing. A calm home creates a calm mind. Cleaning: Get to work Stay organised: Organise a trolley for your cleaning gear Sanity saver: Go for matchy-matchy non-branded bottles Keep it clean: Wash those windows Organised home: Invest in a good set of gloves