If you love to save money fast you’ll love these 12 proven tips I’ve put together for putting more cash in your stash. Read on to discover how you can save money around the house and from your car. Too easy.
Save money fast without leaving the house

- Definitely invest in a piggy from a $2 store and start putting those pennies away.
- Go on a money hunt to grab and save money. You’ll be shocked at the cash you find under the bed, in jacket pockets and lying under the sofa.
- Dig into your shed and start selling of your stuff. Feel liberated at the same time. Cleaning is cleansing!
- Jump on your computer and start slashing your expenses online. Use comparison sites to hunt down the best deals possible.
- Get the kids doing chores while you make money online. Remember that your time is money.
- Sit down at the kitchen table and write up a money-saving grocery list. No time? Download one from the Savings Room.
- Do your grocery shopping online and sort by price. You’ll save money not succumbing to marketing in the stores when you visit.
- Organise getting bread and milk delivered from online retailers like Aussie Farmers Direct. Popping up the shops for a few things never pays or saves.
Save money in your car

- Drive moderately in your car to save money and don’t burn people off at the lights. You’ll waste petrol and also burn up your hard-earned cash.
- If you have a manual car, drive it carefully and with ease. Don’t ride the clutch or risk spending big dollars on maintenance.
- Don’t park in no-park zones near schools. You’ll just get fines and live to regret that drop-off or pick-up for ever.
- Consider shopping in malls on a Sunday when the parking is free. These little costs all add up.
- Always run errands in bulk. Don’t pop up the shops for items one-by-one. Go to the post office, the grocery store and the bank during one trip.
Got some quick save money tips?
Got some quick save money tips for around the house or while in your car? Be sure to leave them in comments below.