Save money at home and you will certainly make life easy. You can do this from the couch, your oven, through the walls, while switching on lights and many other ways. You won’t have to do any heavy lifting. Read on to discover some quick tips for saving money at home that make life easy.
Insulate your home
Bad insulation is by far one of the biggest energy and money suckers. Do a complete home inventory of all the cracks and spaces that you can better insulate. Remove gaps under doors, put tint on windows and invest in energy efficient systems. Definitely put insulation in the roof and walls if you can afford it.
Bake bread
There are hundreds of types and styles of bread these days. We are spoilt for choice. But take a closer look and you’ll find many additives you wish you didn’t have to decipher. Consider baking your own wholesome bread. You’ll know exactly what’s in your bread and you’ll save money too. You may even become an expert and start a bread baking blog. Now there’s a thought! You will not only save money at home, you might make money from home too! I love a win-win.

Borrow from the library or invest in an Apple TV
Rather than pay for expensive TV subscriptions consider borrowing entertainment from your local library. Depending on your library, you’ll get a couple of weeks to watch them before you have to take them back. Do this for a few months and you may never want to pay for expensive subscriptions again. If you want a solid money-saving investment consider an Apple TV or ChromeCast box. You’ll be able to watch internet TV and YouTube vids on your telly. You’ll save money at home instantly.
Change Lightbulbs
There are plenty of government incentives out there you can take advantage of. Change out those old lightbulbs into more energy efficient ones using a government contractor. You’ll save stacks on energy and your own energy installing them. Enjoy the savings on your next electricity bill.
Buy a house you can afford
Don’t get sucked into the mortgage trap. When purchasing a house, go for one you can afford in an area that won’t break the bank. Prepare to spend time on renovations or living in a less than perfect house. You can do nothing while you wait for your home to gain equity without even lifting a finger. Buy an older house in the right area and you’ll reap the rewards.
Cut down on electricity
Make sure you switch appliances off at the wall between uses. You’ll make big savings over time. This is also a good general fire prevention measure.

Barter with people
Get good at bartering to save money at home. Trade a web design skill with a tradesperson and get some renovation jobs for free. Offer a friend babysitting in return for some home-cooked meals. There are plenty of ways you can barter without exchanging money.
Create your own wall prints
Don’t go buying expensive art when you can print your own. Buy stock photos online. Find an online digital printing company who can deliver the print to you. There are many print-and-deliver services who will get your beautiful artwork up for less.
Reuse empty boxes
Don’t throw out cereal or shoe boxes. Repurpose them and use them for storage to save money at home. Store kids socks, jewellery and ties in drawers. You’ll also save a stack of space in your recycle bin while you organise your house.
Got some great ways to save money at home? Leave them in comments below.