Many Australians are coming up for air after the financial hit that Christmas and New Year festivities brings. While the freezer may still be full of leftovers from Christmas, time is already ticking fast for most of us. Now mums and dads across the country have been thrown into ‘back to school’ mode and this quick transition to a new financially draining phase can be overwhelming. January can be even more difficult for working parents who might be forking out dollars for holiday care and for those who didn’t get the luxury of completing organisation and declutter projects over summer.
Here are 10 tips for getting financially back on track for 2015
Shop sparingly
When heading to the supermarket for the weekly shop, limit your purchases to simple ingredients that you can use in a variety of dishes. This way, you’ll be able to eat a healthy, balanced diet, without the premium attached more expensive pre-prepared meals. Definitely consider cooking in bulk which saves both time and money.
Cook creatively
Once you’ve acquired core ingredients for your cook-up, get creative in the kitchen and start whipping up a large stock of freezer meals. Plan well and prepare all of your meals for your working week and save even more cash by avoiding supermarket sandwiches or take-outs.
Urgent money help
If you are really feeling the pinch and your finances are in a desperate state, you might have to consider a short term loan. There are organisations like  k24 offering what are called payday loans. They will lend up to $1200 and flat fee for the money depending on the amount borrowed. While these loans can help you immediately, just make sure you have a plan for getting back on track and fast. Definitely make sure you pay that loan back as soon as your next pay comes in – or you will be setting yourself up for bigger financial problems.
Clip coupons
Make the most of discount coupons and offers. Look for coupons for everything from grocery shopping to kids school gear. Keep an eye out in the local newspaper and in your letterbox for junk mail. Visit coupon websites before shopping.
Skip new fashion
Reinvent some of the clothes in your wardrobe you haven’t worn rather than buy new clothes for the season. A wardrobe is full of fashion wonders, sitting idle! Check out this woman who went a whole year without buying any new clothes!
Walk to work
If you live a reasonable walking distance from work, ditch your car while you get fit! This daily exercise will also help you shed your unwanted holiday kilos.
Free your TV
Subscription TV like Foxtel is a luxury item and a good one to cancel for 2015. Consider reading more or investing in an Apple TV or set top box – which is a one off payment for a device which will give you YouTube on TV all year. This way you might learn some new tricks and skills while you save money.
Love your local library
Libraries are great places to meet new people, relax, enjoy some downtime, discover new ideas and to get free books, movies, CDs and more. If you are not a member of your library – join! You will stay inspired during 2015 while also becoming more educated.
Get energy efficient
In 2016 (if you haven’t already) make the switch to energy efficient lighting, heating and appliances. There are countless ways to cut you household bills. Take a look here for more ways to save on your utility bills.
Simply stop spending
Take a spending challenge. Set two spend free days each week and see what a difference this makes to your finances over the course of one year. Better still, see how long you can last without spending. Submit your experience here.
Do you have any quick ways for getting financially back on track in 2015? Submit them in comments below…