We are a nation who loves a drink that’s for sure. But next time you are sipping on an ice-cold beer in the shed or dropping a strawberry into your Champagne, consider these facts. These make for wonderful conversation while you are actually drinking and are a sure-fire hit (conversation starter) with friends or family who will think you oh-so interesting to chat with.
Here are the 12 drinking facts that will really bamboozle you
They’ll also make you think about drinking in a different light!
- Alcohol production started about 12,000 years ago
- Ancient Romans thought that eating a fried canary would cure a hangover (I’m thinking of the KFC modern equivalent!)
- Ancient Greeks thought cabbage to be a great hangover cure
- 13 of the most essential minerals for human life can be found in alcohol
- There are 49 million bubbles (well, not that exact number) in a bottle of Champagne
- Alcohol actually lowers your body temperature, which most people think is the opposite
- This sentence includes all the letters of the alphabet: Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.
- Most fruit and veg contain tiny amounts of alcohol
- The world’s oldest recipe is drum roll….beer
- Our bodies actually produce alcohol every day 24/7
- There are school cafeterias in Europe that serve students alcohol
- Out in space there is a ‘cloud of alcohol’ that can produce four trillion-trillion drinks!