If you want to learn how to save money, you might like the concept of doing so from your couch. Believe it or not your couch holds much money saving power and you’ll be surprised by these tips and how much you can achieve without moving, shifting, working, walking, catching a bus and more.
Here are a few random tips on how to save money from your couch
Call people
You’d be amazed how much money you can save by placing a few phone calls throughout the day. To be practical about this, aim for one phone call each day while sitting on your couch with a nice cuppa. Make that phone call to one supplier whom you regularly spend money with.
Here’s a list of just a few people you can call from your couch and ask for better rates:
- Electricity and gas suppliers – Ask for better tariffs or rates
- Your internet TV service – They are getting really competitive and most are more than willing to work with you
- Centrelink – Call and make sure you are receiving all entitlements
Buy gifts online
We spend an entire year buying gifts for people. By being a little organised you can pick up fantastic and cheap gifts for people you love. Grab your calendar and plan your gift buying. Do so especially for your overseas family and friends. You can send an online gift voucher, order something from eBay or buy something in the recipients town to save on postage.
Do your grocery shopping
I know I’m always harping on about grocery shopping online, but this is such a money and time saver. Plan your groceries on a Tuesday night and have them arrive early Saturday morning in time for the weekend.
Plan and organise
If you plan your life better, you will save money. This is a given. Spend time on your couch with your tablet, laptop, phone or with a physical calendar and plan out your week, month and year. Need to book a flight for an event? Do so well ahead of time and you will save much money. There’s no end to how you can save money when it comes to getting organised. This point is key.
Grab free stuff or sell your stuff
Do you need something? Get on sites like Gumtree or Zilch and look for free or heavily reduced secondhand goods. People throw good stuff away all the time. Since you are sitting idle on your couch, you might as well make good with your time and find what you need for a much reduced price. Of course, if you have stuff to sell – you can list your items while sitting on the couch too! Use your phone. There’s an app for just about everything these days!
How to save money from your couch | Got tips?
These are just some ideas you can sofalise (live from your couch) and save money without working or really trying.  Do you have some great ideas on how to save money from your couch? List your great ideas in comments below.