Sick of grocery shopping? You’ll love this…
There’s no time for grocery shopping, the pantry contains some random tins and dinner inspiration is a long way away. There’s now … Intraix’s Zhang told that he saw great opportunities in Asia Pacific markets such as Australia and Japan. He said … The kitchen of the future: Appliances that tell you what to cook – CNBC
When the food in your pantry lives better than you do
Ikea and IDEO London designed a high-tech kitchen called Concept Kitchen 2025. It has a smart, energy-efficient pantry, a stove–prep surface–table combo, and it even provides recipes based on food you have around. Is this the future of kitchens? Maybe. Ikea Designed the Kitchen of the Future – Grub Street
Who even needs a kitchen. Forget it!
But isn’t the whole contraption too minimalistic? It doesn’t have a kitchen, after all. Well, the inventors claim that “nowadays, students don’t need much more than a place to sleep […] and their laptop.” Passers-by are somewhat amazed yet somewhat … Not your average student digs: ‘amazing’ plastic bubble – The
Mmm. This could be bad if you’re a ‘not happy Jan’
HOMES that sense your mood and adjust the lighting, generate their own electricity and remind you to be active — it all sounds pretty futuristic, but could actually … Futuristic homes not so distant | NT News – NT News
Watch this –Â for once you’ll wish you were older