Holidays are much more fun with a little planning. Here’s a comprehensive list of things to do in the school holidays. If the kids are driving you mad and you all need to leave the house this cheat sheet will give you some great ideas for those outings.
Busy parents are always looking for cheap things to do in the school holidays. If you are a parent who is stuck for ideas this cheat sheet is a life-saver! Stick this money-saving cheat sheet on the fridge or access on your mobile for quick reference over the school holidays. This sheet will help you to plan events ahead of time and keep the kids occupied.
Get out and about with the kids
Visit your local museum, pack a picnic and head to the park or spend a day at the beach! Just pick an activity and get out of the house. There are over 200+ ideas packed into this cheat sheet!
School holidays
200+ random school holiday outings for kids
Ask and you will receive these holidays!
- Ask your local radio station for a tour
- Be a tourist in your own town
- Become part of a TV show audience
- Blow bubbles at the beach
- Book into holiday programs early
Borrow stuff to make the holidays more enjoyable
- Borrow audio books from the library
- Borrow classics from the library
- Borrow DVDs from the library
- Borrow kids’ books from the library
- Borrow some famous books
- Browse antiques at an antique store
- Browse home furniture stores
- Browse kids’ sections at a bookstore
- Build sand castles at the beach
- Buy supplies at an art store
- Buy your kids a cheap gi!
- Camp in the backyard
Catch a ride these holidays!
- Catch a ferry
- Catch a great movie together
- Catch a train
- Catch a tram
- Check out a sports match
- Check out free performances
- Check out sculpture exhibitions
- Collect shells at the beach
- Drive around and look at mansions
- Drive to a forest
- Drive, sing and go out for ice-cream
- Drive to the snow and feel snow
Plan School Holidays 2016 with printables from the Savings Room
Enrol and learn in the holidays
- Enrol in drama classes
- Enrol in school holiday programs
- Enrol in some pottery classes
- Enrol the kids in swimming lessons
- Feed the ducks at a lake
- Find a great go-kart venue
- Find a silly reason to go for a walk
- Find a specialist cake shop and indulge
- Find free community programs
- Find volunteer programs
- Fly a kite
- Get out and about on scooters
- Get your shopping essentials
- Give blood and take the kids
Go on adventures
- Go bowling with a group
- Go caving
- Go fishing off a pier
- Go for a boat ride
- Go for a bush walk
- Go for a drive and get a hot chocolate
- Go for a late afternoon swim in the ocean
- Go for a walk and take photos
- Go for rides on motorbikes
- Go fruit picking
- Go ice-skating
- Go on a family bike ride
- Go on a mall mini-train ride
- Go on a tour of an old winery
- Go on an organised city walk
- Go on an outdoor camping adventure
- Go on some factory tours
- Go on some group walks with kids and friends
- Go out for co#ee and cake
- Go out for “sh and chips
- Go out for ice-cream
- Go out for lunch with friends
- Go out for morning tea
- Go out for pizza
- Go rock-climbing
- Go roller-skating or roller-blading
- Go to a church event or fair
- Go to a concert
- Go to a drive-in movie
- Go to a family fun day
- Go to a festival
- Go to a free play area at a mall
- Go to a glass blowing demonstration
- Go to a great event
- Go to a lolly making factory
- Go to a magic show
- Go to a Medieval tourist attraction
- Go to a photographic exhibition
- Go to a puppet show
- Go to a skate park
- Go to a story-telling workshop
- Go to a summer concert
- Go to an amusement park
- Go to an expo
- Go to an games arcade
- Go to an interstate event
- Go to country fairs
- Go to mall outside your area for a day trip
- Go to mall special events
- Go to McDonalds
- Go to a carwash and wash the car
- Go to a Bunnings play café
- Go to the circus
- Go to the DVD shop and rent some movies
- Go to the hot pools
- Go to the local pool for the day
- Go to theatre rehearsals
- Go to your local info centre and grab brochures
- Go window shopping or real shopping
- Grab cheap toys at Savers
- Have breakfast at a café
- Have fun at a costume shop
- Have fun at an aquatic park
- Have lunch at Ikea
- Have lunch at the park
- Head to the footy
- Hire a canoe or kayak
- Hire a dingy on a river
- Hunt down some live music
- Investigate new hobbies while out
- Invite friends with kids over
- Join a playgroup
- Join a toy library
- Make movies on your phone
- Meet friends at the park
- Meet new people at Op shops

Organise an event for the holidays
- Organise a baby-sitting barter
- Organise a bbq lunch with friends
- Organise a free holiday and house swap
- Organise a surprise dinner for a working parent
- Pan for gold if you live near a mining attraction
- Place flowers on graves
- Play on a whizzy dizzy
- Play with gadgets at computer stores
- Read books at the park
- Rent cheap movies from a dispenser machine
- Roll down a hill
- Run errands at the post office
- Scour Op shops for cheap costumes
- Scour Op shops for old things-to-do books
- Shoot some hoops down at the school
- Sit in some hotel lobbies
- Spend half a day at a play café
- Spend the day at the beach
- Stay overnight in a motel somewhere
Take a day off and relax
- Take a bus ride
- Take a cemetery walk
- Take a drive in the country
- Take photos all day at scenic locations
- Take photos of birds on a walk
- Take photos of nature on a walk
- Take the kids to a matinee
- Take up bird-watching in the park
- Take up horse-riding
- Take up tennis
- Tour a police station
- Tour an historic boat or ship
Get visiting people and places
- Visit a beautiful lake
- Visit a castle
- Visit a childrens’ farm
- Visit a chocolate factory
- Visit a conservatory
- Visit a cool city kids café
- Visit a famous Cathedral
- Visit a famous tourist destination
- Visit a farm
- Visit a #re station
- Visit a garden and take photos of butterflies
- Visit a hobby shop
- Visit a hot house
- Visit a magic shop
- Visit a monastery
- Visit a museum
- Visit a pet store
- Visit a planetarium
- Visit a police station
- Visit a private garden
- Visit a public garden
- Visit a science museum
- Visit a street market
- Visit a tip store for cheap #nds
- Visit a weekend market
- Visit a well known playground
- Visit a wildlife park
- Visit a zoo
- Visit an animal sanctuary
- Visit an aquarium
- Visit an extinct volcano
- Visit an historic building
- Visit an historic cottage
- Visit an historic mansion
- Visit an historic town
- Visit different libraries in your region
- Visit every park in your neighbourhood
- Visit friends who have kids
- Visit grandparents
- Visit relatives
- Visit someone at work
- Visit the council for local information
- Visit the elderly
- Visit the lonely
- Visit the rose gardens and take photos
- Visit toyshops and play for free
- Visit wetlands
- Visit an army base
- Visit an art gallery
Walking is a win-win!
- Walk around botanical gardens
- Walk down a pier
- Walk in the rain together
- Walk over a big bridge
- Walk the dog
- Walk through a city park
- Walk through some display homes
- Walk to a waterfall
- Walk to your local mall
Watch something in the holidays
- Watch a parade
- Watch a fireworks display
- Watch a procession
- Watch planes at the airport
- Watch Shakespeare in the park
- Write a letter to Santa at the park