If you love cooking in bulk, discover some great food shopping tips for cooking in bulk this weekend. Saving money on groceries and saving valuable time is easy if you plan ahead, purchase groceries in bulk and batch cook.
Bulk food shopping tips for this weekend
Meat & poultry
Buy meat in bulk and find wholesale suppliers in your area. Money saving meat purchases include budget mince, sausages and stewing meats. Purchase chicken fresh or frozen and try to get your chook for under $5.00. It is cheaper to buy a chicken, roast it and shred it for meals than it is to cook up fillets. Roast chicken is also delicious in a pasta or a soup! If you have to buy fillets buy them in a big pack at a wholesale poulterer.
Buy onions, potatoes, garlic, ginger and fresh herbs (for freezing) in bulk.
Kitchen Gear
Buy a big community size cling wrap and aluminum foil that will last you months! It is much cheaper to
buy products like this in bulk. I sit my cling wrap at the top end of a large bread board so it is easy to access when making the kids’ lunches.
Grocery Items
Items on your grocery list should include oils, oil sprays, sauces such as tomato sauce and soy sauce.
Herbs & Spices
Fill your spice rack and keep it well stocked with all the spices you require for the coming season and year. Also include beef, chicken and vegetable stock powder.
Milk & Bread
Buy long life milk and bread for the freezer. This will reduce unnecessary trips to the shops where you will likely spend $30 or more on items you were not planning to buy.
Canned Goods
Stock up on diced tomatoes, soups, chick peas, lentils and the like.
Freezer Items
Stock up on pastry, frozen peas, mixed vegetables, frozen corn and spinach.
Stock up on rice and pasta. If you keep your pantry well stocked you can save much time avoiding extra trips to the supermarket for groceries and more time in the kitchen cooking up beautiful bulk cooked meals for the family!
Hope you liked my bulk food shopping tips! Good luck with your next cooking adventure!
Can’t be bothered working it all out?
If you want a great resource for cooking in bulk and stocking your pantry check out Table Tucker or FREEZER MEALS cookbook. Table Tucker delivers annual, seasonal and monthly pantries for 52 weeks of budget dinners for the entire year! You will never have to write a pantry list ever again. Freezer Meals is a savvy bulk cooking system, which will save you up to $400 on your monthly grocery spend.
Got some great food shopping tips to share? Add them to comments below!