I am always looking for cheap party ideas and I love to party so much that every season I visit thrift shops and buy myself a fancy new party shirt! If you also love to party, it is important to become a strategic party-goer in terms of seeking out cheap party ideas. If not, you will find that partying becomes a large part of the reason you may be broke, or near broke, or drunk and broke. Did I mention broke? Of course, there is nothing more satisfying that being a strategic party-goer.
Grab these cheap party ideas and hold a party for under $20!
- Party shirt from Savers $2
- Make the party BYO $0
- Bottles of wine for self and ‘friend’: 2 x cleanskins: $10
- Bottle of mineral water (to avoid hangover tomorrow and pigging out on junk food): $2
- Have a pot-luck party at home: $10
There. For the cut price of $22 you’ve got yourself a room full of friends, booze on the table, food for everyone in the room and you are standing there in the most dashing party shirt anyone has ever seen. See how easy it can be? Peanut anyone? The next time you have a party see if you can do it for $22! Cheaper than fish and chips or movies for the night! Plus, you get to keep the shirt so you can wear it to work and show it off there too. Life of the tearoom? A totally different story…
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